Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machines, have life-changing positive impacts on their users. In addition to making it easier to fight the symptoms of sleep-related respiratory ailments, such as sleep apnea, these devices can do everything from helping infants with underdeveoped lungs to contributing to the health of truckers who are typically low on rest.When it comes to cleaning, the technology isn’t always as convenient as it ought to be, but this final hurdle may be easier than ever to cross thanks to modern advances in CPAP cleaning machines.

What are CPAP cleaners, and why do more people seem to be using them? Here’s a quick intro that’s sure to change your perspective as a CPAP user.

The Pitfalls of Manual CPAP Cleaning

CPAP devices include masks, tubes, pumps, dehumidifier chambers and other hardware elements that supply pressurized breathing air to sleepers. The fact that they’re worn all night in close contact with your respiratory tract, however, means that they readily fall prey to unsanitary conditions. The bacteria and other contaminants that usually inhabit a user’s nasal passages and lungs can easily make their way into CPAP devices. So can atmospheric pollution in the form of mold spores, allergens and mineral deposits. Like all other medical aids, these machines require rigorous, regular sanitization to keep them from becoming health hazards or breaking down entirely.

Unfortunately, the standard method of cleaning CPAP machines involves lots of elbow grease. After disassembling your device according to the manufacturer’s instructions and disconnecting it from the power supply, you’ll need to wash it vigorously. Most people use a mixture of water and mild dish soap, vinegar or antibacterial cleanser. During this process, it’s critical to follow steps like:

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